Published: Thu Feb 08 2024Updated: Sat Feb 17 2024
developers computer setup

Hello all,

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. This is an introductory article to introduce myself as well as detail my intentions and plans for this blog.

My Backstory

I was first inspired into pursuing IT during my teenage years when one of my friends had built some small command line-based game. It was fascinating seeing someone's idea become reality through code.

After that ,in my spare time, I was playing around with websites as it was something visual I could create.

I finished school and went off to university where we learned a wide range of topics including Javascript and C#.

By the time I had finished university, web apps were becoming mainstream and desktop apps were becoming less popular. The obvious choice to me was to get into Web Development.

I managed to get a job as a Web Developer, building customer websites in a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and have since moved on to the AgriTech sector as a Software Engineer building AgriTech solutions.

Why I created this Blog

I believe there is a lot of knowledge we can learn and share from one another. There were heaps of bumps on my journey to get to where I am today and this journey was helped by many different people along the way. I think I'm at a good stage where I can being to share my knowledge, findings and thoughts with you. I hope you'll join me on this journey and find it helpful along the way.

Talk Soon,
Kaleb Cooper

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